NC Electric Vehicles Surge

A number of other states are still beating North Carolina in total numbers of registered electric vehicles, but NC has an impressive stat of its own. In one year, 2020 to 2021, the number of electric vehicles registered in North Carolina climbed a whopping 55 percent. 

That number compares favorably to the nationwide year-over-year growth for the same period, which was still a hefty 42.7% overall. Arguably, the best news in the article is the following conclusion about national trends overall: “Because this data pertains to 2021, we are confident we will see even larger growth when comparing 2022 numbers as the US has recently surpassed the 5% threshold of EV share of the entire market, a number many have labeled as the critical mass tipping point for widespread adoption.”

The transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions at 27%. Governor Cooper and President Biden both call for increased EVs to meet their greenhouse gas reduction goals.

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