Climate Change Update: Climate Change Action Gains Key Ally

Climate Change Update: Climate Change Action Gains Key Ally

Thanks to collaboration between citizen conservationists, labor, and other progressive voices, action to address climate change has just gained a very important ally.

At its annual national convention in late October, the AFL-CIO, the nation’s leading federation of labor organizations, passed a resolution acknowledging the reality and critical nature of global climate change, and calling for American action in response.

The AFL-CIO resolution includes calls for Congressional actions which include environmental sustainability in energy and climate policies, and for the United States to remain in the Paris global climate accord.

NCLCV executive director Carrie Clark said, “This important action by the nationwide AFL-CIO follows three years of work by the Climate & Jobs Roundtable (which NCLCV helped create), and resulting advocacy by the NC APRI and other labor leaders in support of climate action. It’s a major victory for our continuing work building joint advocacy among conservation and labor voices for social, economic, and environmental justice.”

NCLCV especially thanks and congratulates Melvin Montford of the A. Philip Randolph Institute (NCAPRI) for his tireless leadership on this issue, as well as expressing our appreciation for the outstanding work by NCLCV’s Justine Oller, NC AFL-CIO’s Aiden Graham, and other colleagues in the Labor Network for Sustainability, Climate & Jobs Roundtable, AFL-CIO, NCAPRI, Black Workers for Justice, and others.

Next: NCLCV releases latest legislative accountability tool >>

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