Hotlist 3/1/2017: First round of bills with environmental impacts to watch

The Hotlist is typically a weekly email that talks about environmental issues moving forward in the General Assembly; sometimes brief and other times lengthy depending on the issue. We will start this week highlighting a few key bills introduced that will impact our state’s natural resources and quality of life:

H171 – Change Exclusion of Solar Energy Systems

H172 – Include Solar Property as Nonsystem Property

H173 – Revisions to Outdoor Advertising Laws

H175 – DEQ Emphasize Urban Environmental Laws

S131 – Regulatory Reform Act 2016 (no that’s not a typo)

In a given session NCLCV may be monitoring hundreds of bills so this is only a short list. As bills start to move, we will provide more information on the bills for the week. If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

I will predict that next week we will be learning more about the Regulatory Reform Bill.


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