
Meet 2014 Stanback Intern: Brian Schoepfer

rsz_brian_fish1) Where is home for you, Brian?

I grew up in Princeton, New Jersey. My family used to go on vacation to the Outer Banks and Boone, so I fell in love with North Carolina from an early age. Naturally, when I was accepted to Duke University, it was a very easy decision.

2) Where are you on your higher education path?

I am a rising senior at Duke University studying Environmental Science and Policy.

3) Why did you choose to work in the environmental field?

I grew up with a love for the outdoors. I spent a lot of time hiking and fishing throughout New Jersey’s limited wild areas. It seemed like a natural extension to work trying to protect the outdoors.

4) What are some of your fondest memories of being out in North Carolina’s natural wonders?

Growing up, I spent a few summers at the Outer Banks lying on the beach during the day and fishing in the surf at night. During my sophomore year of college, I spent a few days at the Duke Marine Lab in Beaufort. It was an amazing experience, getting to explore the barrier islands while learning about their natural history and the surrounding wildlife. I even saw some wild horses! Most recently, I spent some time in Boone. It was amazing hiking through the mountains and exploring hidden waterfalls.

5) What will your internship responsibilities be this summer with the NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV)?

This summer I will be working on a power mapping project for NCLCV. Sarah (another Stanback Intern) and I will be doing research on the state legislators in order to better understand what influences them in their decision-making.

6) How do you see this opportunity as a Stanback intern affecting your future education and work?

I am excited to be a Stanback intern and plan to learn a lot this summer. I look forward to seeing the inner workings of a nonprofit and help them work to protect the environment. Being in Raleigh is also a unique opportunity to see the legislative process happen first hand.

If you are interested to learn more about what Brian is working on this summer, please contact him at brian@nclcv.org.

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