Ag Gag Law Embroiled in Appeal

North Carolina’s infamous “ag gag” law continues to be tied up in federal court. The law, passed in 2015 at the behest of the agribusiness industry, attempts to punish corporate farm employees and other whistleblowers who expose illegal, unethical, or inhumane pollution and other practices to the public. 

Modeled on similar legislation in other states, North Carolina’s ag gag law was challenged as placing unconstitutional limits on free speech intended to inform and protect the public. Last summer, a federal court agreed, and enjoined the law’s enforcement.

The law may soon be argued again before the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. The state Department of Justice appealed the lower court ruling, and parties representing the agribusiness industry joined in support. Environmental nonprofits, animal welfare groups, and news organizations joined in opposition to the law.

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