NCLCV Releases National Environmental Scorecard Results for NC Congressional Delegation

Last Week NCLCV Released The National Environmental Scorecard For NC’s Leaders.

The NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) has released the 2023 National Environmental Scorecard results for the North Carolina Congressional delegation. 

“The 2023 Scorecard shows the stark contrast between pro-environmental members of Congress and extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress,” says the NCLCV news release. In 2023, “Congressional gridlock and chaos created by MAGA extremists led to one of the least productive Congress’ ever.” This dramatically contrasted to 2022, “when climate champions led both the House and Senate, passing the most significant climate and clean energy investments in American history.”

Carrie Clark, NCLCV’s Executive Director praised environmental champs. “Despite the gridlock and chaos in Congress today, we know climate champions–like Representative Deborah Ross–are working every day to ensure we have clean air, water, and energy. Unfortunately, most of our representatives and both our senators continue to use their votes to cater to Big Polluters and right-wing extremists.” Clark concluded that “North Carolinians must hold elected officials like Senators Budd and Tillis, and Reps. Foxx, Bishop, Edwards, Hudson, McHenry, Murphy, and Rouzer accountable for putting polluters and climate change deniers over our communities and ensure champions like Reps. Adams, Ross, Jackson, Foushee, Nickel, Manning, and Davis continue to hold the line for us in Congress.” Read the full NCLCV news release here

NCLCV Releases National Scorecard In Time For Super Tuesday

Tuesday, March 5th is Primary Election Day and Super Tuesday! Voters across North Carolina, and across the nation, will take to the polls tomorrow to decide who will represent them in the general election. Sixteen states and one territory will vote tomorrow.

We hope you will consider using the national scorecard and our past scorecards to determine for whom you vote. See the complete details of the 2023 National Environmental Scorecard, including the votes scored and the average performance of each state’s Congressional delegation, here.

To find your voting location click here.

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