Federal Cuts Hit Home in NC

Federal Cuts in Climate Action Hurt Clean Transportation, Farmers in Triad

It seems that any federal program, project, or contract containing the words “clean energy” “electrification” or “climate change” has a Trump Administration bullseye painted on its back. North Carolina is feeling the resulting chaos. 

Despite federal court orders instructing the Trump Administration to release funding authorized by Congress and approved by the Biden-Harris Administration, the Trump chaos chainsaw continues to put critical project funding in the energy and transportation sectors on indefinite hold. One good example coming to light this past week was the suspension of a $4.4 million grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to the Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) for five new hybrid electric buses. The new hybrid electric buses would replace existing buses that are aging out of their reliable service lifespan. 

Essential Funding for Cities Across NC

Winston-Salem Director of Transportation Jeff Fansler told the Winston-Salem Journal that this grant funding is especially critical given that almost half the city’s fleet of buses is reaching its standard estimated reliable lifespan of 500,000 miles or 12 years of age. Stories like these are being told by cities and counties around North Carolina and the nation.

These at-risk projects will be presented by cities around the nation to members of Congress as examples of damage occurring by unilateral budget cuts through legally questionable executive orders. The National League of Cities (NLC) is meeting in Washington this week to undertake these contacts. The NLC’s bipartisan membership advocacy efforts stand as another example of action by elected state and local leaders to continue the push for a livable climate future in the absence of rational national leadership.

Farmers Also Impacted by Federal Freezes

Additionally, farmers in the Triad area are speaking out against the federal funding freeze. Mike Hansen, owner of Ozark Akerz Regenerative Farm in Randolph County, signed a contract with the federal government for a grant in 2024. He planned to use this money to expand his farm to help his business. 

Speaking of the federal funding freeze, Hansen said “If you don’t uphold your end of the contract, it’s called a breach of contract … Legally, we’re owed this. A lot of other farms are owed it. I know … 28 other farms in North Carolina that are waiting for payments that were promised.”

Hansen also said he had to take some money out of his retirement to keep his business afloat.

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