Conservation Action: Comment on Coal Ash Rules

Conservation Action: Comment on Coal Ash Rules

Conservation advocates have an extended chance this week to comment on rules governing the disposal of coal ash pollution.

The public comment period closes this Friday, April 6, on proposed state rules governing the design, construction, and operation of coal ash landfills. The NC Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) had extended the comment period in March, following citizen complaints that the first hearings left insufficient time to review and analyze the proposed rules.

For those not prepared to wade deeply into the weeds of regulatory details, comments simply supporting the need for complete cleanup of old unlined coal ash pits known to be leaking into groundwater and surface waters—and tough anti-leaking construction standards for new facilities—are always in order.

Comments on the disposition of these “coal combustion residuals” (CCR) can be submitted up until 5 p.m. this Friday, April 6, to Be sure to include “CCR Rules” in the subject line of the email.

Up next, tree clearing slowed down on ACP route >>

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