Campaign Watch: Early Voting Begins

Campaign Watch: Early Voting Begins

The 2018 voting season has officially opened in North Carolina.

Voters around our state have started making their choices in multiple primaries for Congress and the state legislature. A number of those choices may be critical to the prospects for throwing out the anti-environmental leadership in both bodies.

For details regarding early voting times and locations, use this link to find your county’s Board of Elections website. For example, complete early voting information for Wake County is here.

For information about the candidates on your primary ballot, check out the League of Women Voters’ Vote411, which includes a question for legislative candidates specifically on environmental issues, and Project VoteSmart.

Finally, be sure to review NCLCV’s annual environmental scorecards on legislative incumbents.

Your vote is your voice. Use it!

Up Next, Holden Beach Says ‘No’ to Terminal Groin >>

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