Groups Urge Veto of Money-Laundering Bill

Various Advocacy Groups Urge the Veto of House Bill (HB) 237

NCLCV and 19 other public interest groups are urging Gov. Roy Cooper to veto HB 237 which would open a path for big polluters to channel unlimited funds to state political committees, and from there to candidate campaigns, while letting politicians hide from public view the fact that dirty money is bankrolling their campaigns. 

Reasons to Veto the Bill

“HB 237 creates a political money laundering scheme by creating a significant campaign finance loophole,” the groups say. The letter continues with a detailed review of how HB 237 reduces transparency and accountability for organizations making campaign contributions in our state, and “makes it easier for big-money special interests to influence North Carolina elections while avoiding being directly connected to those activities.”

“The additions to H237 that implement campaign finance law changes are grossly negligent and remove safeguards that ensure the well-being and economic needs of North Carolinians are prioritized first, not the ultra-wealthy and outside special interest groups,” said Katelin Kaiser, Policy Director at Democracy North Carolina, one of the signing organizations. “Once again, rather than doing the people’s work, a handful of lawmakers have radically changed the rules so individuals can funnel unlimited, untraceable contributions into North Carolina, opening up the floodgates to buying elections and politicians.” 

Groups Involved and How to Take Action

Groups signing the veto letter to Gov. Cooper include Advance North Carolina, Common Cause North Carolina, El Pueblo, Emancipate NC, Democracy North Carolina, Forward Justice Action Network, La Fuerza NC, League of Women Voters of North Carolina, North Carolina Asian Americans Together, NCAAT In Action, North Carolina Black Alliance, North Carolina Black and Brown Policy Network, NC Budget & Tax Center, NC For the People Action, North Carolina Justice Center, NC League of Conservation Voters, North Carolina NAACP, Planned Parenthood South Atlantic, and Southern Coalition for Social Justice. 

Meanwhile, concerned citizens can continue to use NCLCV’s link to tell their legislators to oppose HB 237.

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