Shape Our State Carbon Plan

Now that the Supreme Court has hampered the EPA’s ability to cap carbon emissions from power plants, it’s up to states like North Carolina to tackle our climate crisis with serious action. The good news is we have an immediate opportunity to do that!

Last fall, the General Assembly passed House Bill 951, directing the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) to develop a plan to cut carbon emissions from power plants by 70% by 2030, and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

To shape this plan, NCUC is holding a series of in-person public hearings across North Carolina. Duke has given them their plan, which still relies too heavily on fossil fuels. Now it’s time to give commissioners our plan, a plan that gives every North Carolinian equitable, affordable, renewable, clean energy.

Your voice will help set this plan for how North Carolinians get their energy for the next two years. We need to show public support for a fossil-free plan that quickly retires coal power plants, ramps up solar and wind, and includes no new gas.

Here are the details for the hearings and pre-hearing rallies with our allies:

July 11, Durham
Durham County Courthouse, 510 S Dillard St, Durham
5:30 p.m., rally at plaza in front of the courthouse
7 p.m., public hearing, Courtroom D7

July 12, Wilmington
New Hanover County Courthouse, 316 Princess Street, Wilmington
6:30 p.m., rally at Innis Park, 102 N 3rd St, Wilmington
7 p.m., public hearing, Courtroom 317

July 27, Asheville
5:30 p.m., rally in Pack Square, 80 Court Plaza, Asheville
7 p.m., public hearing, Buncombe County Courthouse, Courtroom 1-A, 60 Court Plaza, Asheville

July 28, Charlotte
4 p.m., rally and press conference, Marshall Park, 800 E 3rd St, Charlotte
7 p.m., public hearing, Mecklenburg County Courthouse, Courtroom 5350, 832 E 4th Street, Charlotte

There will also be two online hearings and a separate process for submitting comments through NCUC’s website. Later this year, NCUC will approve a final carbon plan for the next two years, and it will have to be updated every two years thereafter.

To learn how to make an effective public comment, register for a webinar on Wednesday, July 13.