Biden’s Infrastructure Act Delivers More Funding for Clean Vehicles in NC

One of Biden’s Biggest Legislative Successes Delivers Once Again for North Carolina

The Greensboro Transit Agency (GTA) and the Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) are North Carolina’s latest beneficiaries from clean transportation funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act (BIA). The BIA represents one of the Biden-Harris Administration’s signature legislative successes, providing billions of dollars in funding to upgrade public transit systems around the nation.

US Representative Kathy Manning (D-NC6) announced last week that GTA and WSTA were receiving a total of $26.8 million for the purchase of new electric and hybrid-electric buses for their systems. The funds will purchase six battery-electric buses for GTA, 12 hybrid-electric buses for WSTA, and 26 chargers for GTA. GTA and WSTA are two of the 117 transit agencies around the nation, which will benefit from $5.6 billion allocated to the Federal Transit Authority’s Low and No Emission Buses and Bus Facilities Grant Programs through 2026.

The Announcement of Funding

“I’m excited to announce $26.8 million in federal funding for clean-energy transit upgrades in North Carolina’s Sixth District,” Manning said. “With these federal funds, Greensboro and Winston-Salem will modernize their bus fleets, upgrading local transportation options, improving air quality in our communities, and boosting America’s clean-energy manufacturing sector. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law I helped pass, our communities are receiving the federal dollars they need to address the climate crisis and support North Carolina’s fast-growing, clean-energy economy.” 

Manning is ending the conclusion of her second term in Congress, having earned a near-perfect 97% career score from the League of Conservation Voters (LCV). 

Unfortunately, Manning is a victim of partisan gerrymandering this year. She elected not to file for re-election in a district that pro-polluter leaders of the NC General Assembly purposefully redrew to be unwinnable by any Democratic Candidate. The loss of her seat is an example of how each election is critical for our environment. 

Importance of Upcoming Elections

Prior to the 2022 elections, the NC Supreme Court had a majority of Justices who ruled that the NC state Constitution prohibits partisan gerrymandering as a violation of the “free and fair elections” clause. After the election, the new pro-polluter majority on the Court immediately reversed the earlier ruling against partisan gerrymandering. As a result, the NC General Assembly redrew the state’s Congressional district maps to make most of the districts a near-lock for the Republican nominees. The state’s delegation is expected to go from a 7-7 Republican-Democratic split—which fairly reflects the overall close voting results statewide—to a lopsided 12-2 or 11-3 Republican advantage. 

Conservationists are urged to massively turn out to vote this fall and pay attention to important contests up and down the ballot. The future of our planet depends upon it.

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