Clean Energy Groups Reach Deal with Duke

Duke Energy wanted guarantees on future rate hikes. Clean energy groups insisted on more renewable energy and better public service.

In 2017, Duke began seeking advance approval for billions of dollars in new spending allegedly intended for “grid modernization.”  Opponents dismissed the scheme as “gold-plated routine maintenance,” calling it a plan to pad the company’s profits. Regulators turned it down the next year. Then Duke tried an end-around with controversial rate-hike legislation which also failed. Finally, Duke came back with a revised and slimmed-down version of the proposal, and the negotiations began.  

The results include Duke’s commitments to do the following: deploy sensors that can quickly detect and repair problems, computer upgrades to help use more renewable energy, help for low-income customers in taking advantage of clean energy and energy efficiency, and other steps to encourage small renewable energy projects. Many are designed to speed the shift from centralized power plants to more distributed renewable energy sources, as well as deal with impending climate change. Groups involved in these negotiations included Vote Solar, the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association, the North Carolina Justice Center, and others.

The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) represented several groups involved in the negotiations, including the Justice Center, the North Carolina Housing Coalition, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. SELC senior attorney Gudrun Thompson said, “This agreement will provide much-needed relief through energy efficient upgrades and assistance with critical health and safety repairs to households struggling to make ends meet. This agreement will also help move North Carolina towards a clean energy future and lessen our reliance on polluting fossil fuels.”

The proposed deal between Duke and the various public interest groups must still await review and approval by the North Carolina Utilities Commission.

Pressure is also coming from our environmental champion Gov. Roy Cooper in the form of his Clean Energy Plan. Thank him for his leadership!

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