Education & Resources: Wake Water Advocate Training

Education & Resources: Wake Water Advocate Training

A dirty brown river flowing between two green banks
Sedimentation in local water sources can have a real, direct impact on your quality of life. Get involved in engaging Wake County municipal leaders on investing in green stormwater infrastructure!

Not sure how to talk with your local officials about local clean water problems and action steps? If you live in Wake County, a workshop this Saturday, November 4, can help you learn.

It’s the free Water Advocate Training sponsored by NCLCV and other concerned citizen groups. Topics to be covered include these:

• What ‘green stormwater infrastructure’ is.
• How your town can use it to protect streams, reduce flooding, increase water supplies, and improve your community.
• How residents worked with the City of Raleigh to improve its water practices.
• How to build support for green infrastructure in your town or city.
• How to set up a meeting and talk with your local officials.

Learn more and register to participate here.

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