NC Voters Support Clean Energy and Climate Action

A large majority of North Carolinians support a clean energy transition.

A new poll of North Carolina voters for the NC League of Conservation Voters Foundation (NCLCVF) shows strong support for transitioning to clean energy and reducing the use of fossil fuels. Additionally, it shows that North Carolinians are making the connection between the rise of extreme weather events and human-influenced climate change.

Clean and renewable energy sources are highly popular with North Carolinians. Respondents were given a variety of energy sources and asked for their feelings towards them. Solar energy (79%) was the most favorable form of energy amongst the respondents, with fossil fuels (46%), nuclear (42%), and coal (41%) energy as the least favorable forms.

Moreover, other key findings related to climate change, the increase of extreme weather events, and the link between the two. Over half of North Carolinians recognize the rise of extreme weather events (59%) and the link to climate change (53%).

“We are excited to see such strong support from North Carolinians to increase the use of clean and renewable energy and the need to transition away from dirty fossil fuels,” said Carrie Clark, executive director for NCLCVF. “It’s also affirming that North Carolina voters clearly recognize the increase of extreme weather events and understand the link with climate change.”

Lastly, read the entire NCLCVF news release, and access the detailed poll findings here.

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