Hotlist 4/26/2017: An Ode to Crossover

Twas the day before Crossover, and all through the Senate and House

Lobbyists and Members were stirring, many bad bills to Douse;

The bills were written and introduced with care

In hopes a self-created deadline soon would be there;

Members were nestled all snug in their committees,

While lobbyists danced around with many members to see.

(Please excuse my digression as I try to use a little humor to get through the week.)

Crossover is upon us and it can only mean one thing: the time where many bills, good and bad, try to race through one chamber.  Below are a few key ones that we’re watching and may appear in our Legislative Scorecard:

H574, Wind Energy/ Consistency with Military: this is a good bill on the wind permitting process. We are asking members to consider a vote of “Yes” on H574 since it is a balanced approach to grow our state’s clean energy sector and to protect current military activities.

H579 and H580, Revisions to Outdoor Advertising Laws: this is the annual bad billboard bills that threatens North Carolina’s natural beauty and identity. We are urging elected officials to vote “No” on H579 and H580.

H467, Agriculture and Forestry Nuisance Remedies: this legislation, as currently written, limits the rights of property owners and families to pursue legal remedies in order to protect their health and property values from the harms caused by industrial hog waste. A pro-conservation vote on H467 is “No.”

There are several other key environmental and public health bills that we are the NC League of Conservation Voters are tracking. If you have questions on specific pieces of legislation and how it could impact North Carolina’s natural resources and economy, please do not hesitate to send me an email:

Happy Crossover Week,


Dan Crawford, Director of Governmental Relations
NC League of Conservation Voters

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