
MAGA Extremist Ticket

Here is a willing list of legislators Mark Robinson will need to achieve his far-right agenda:

Mike Schietzelt

House District 35

  • A reliable Republican vote in the North Carolina General Assembly, dismantling rights for North Carolinians. Schietzelt campaigned for Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson in the primary campaign.Schietzelt is anti-abortion with limited exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother. He authored an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in the Dobbs case that ultimately overturned Roe vs. Wade.
  • Schietzelt has ties to the January 6 insurrection. He previously clerked for Mike Martin, who played a key role in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. Martin wrote lawsuits challenging the results in key states. Schietzelt opposes gun control measures and restrictions on assault weapons.
  • If elected Schietzelt will vote against LGBTQ+ rights in the General Assembly

Melinda Bales

House District 98

  • Mark Robinson Clone: Bales is funded by the same extremists working with Robinson on his plans for the state to take over local public school curriculum, banning books and cutting science/social studies from elementary schools. Bales will fall in line with the extreme Republican agenda.
  • Anti-Abortion: Bales is funded by the same team working with Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson for a total abortion ban, without any exceptions. This association will alienate voters who are concerned about aligning with extreme politicians.
  • Low Support: Bales showed hardly any grassroots momentum in the latest reporting period highlighting the recurring issue of Republican candidates’ problem of connecting with voters on the ground. They continue to get funded largely through Party contributions and Corporate PACs to fund their effort.
  • Defund Public Schools: While Bales has kept tight-lipped about her extreme views, she has signaled favoring school vouchers for even the wealthiest families in her vote in favor of exploring Huntersville’s ability to build and run their own charter schools at taxpayer expense.
  • Questionable Ethics: Bales accepted money from a developer for a controversial project that has over 1,600 signatures of her constituents opposing the development. This development project was ultimately pulled/didn’t go through after much public outcry.
  • Favors Big Banks over the People: Bales has taken the side of big banks over her own constituents when she voted in favor of increasing returned check fees from $25 to $35, a 40% increase in 2022.

Tricia Cotham

House District 105

  • Cotham betrayed her constituents, flipping from Democrat to Republican just months after being elected as a Democrat. This trend of flip-flopping continues to this day.
  • Cotham flip-flopped on protecting abortion: After promising to protect abortion she voted for the Republican 12-week Abortion Ban, then voted to override Gov. Cooper’s Veto of it. The bills passed into law, putting the health, well-being, and very lives of women across the street in danger.
  • Cotham flip-flopped on public education: Previously she said “I’ve seen firsthand how inequitable funding of our public schools sets students up for failure,” then Cotham co-sponsored and voted for H823, which expanded the Opportunity Scholarship by removing an income-based qualification and allowing any family to access the scholarship regardless of financial need.
  • Pro Gun Lobby: Cotham voted against those who elected her when she voted to expand gun rights with H49, which allows concealed-carry weapon holders to carry guns into churches that use private school property to hold services.
  • Bottom Line: We can’t trust Tricia Cotham!

Ruth Smith

House District 115

  • Smith is a personal injury attorney who profits off of the pain and suffering of others.

  • Smith is a right-wing, reverse-racism activist, representing white plaintiffs who sue the government.

  • Smith has worked with alt-right Judicial Watch on multiple cases, including recently representing a former FBI agent in his suit against the FBI. The man had been terminated after spreading January 6 conspiracy theories. The case was recently dismissed with prejudice, meaning it cannot be brought back to the court.

  • Smith defended a Trump supporter who punched a counter-protester.

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