
NCLCV Board, Staff Give Thanks for 2014

What_are_YOUWhat are you thankful for this year? We posed this question to members of NCLCV’s board of directors and staff in light of tomorrow’s holiday. The biggest themes from our team: elevating the environment as a voting issue, the sense of community, and the growth of our organization – from new staff to major impacts to helping lay a foundation for future wins for our state’s natural resources.

Maria Kingery (President, NCLCV): I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with such a talented staff and board who are all committed to keeping NC’s air and water safe and clean for generations to come. And I’m grateful to know that our members share this commitment because while none of us can hope to accomplish this alone, together everything is possible.

Carrie Clark (Executive Director): I am thankful we had such great opportunities and partnerships this year that allowed us to try new things, build new capacity, expand our clout, and elevate our issues. I am thankful for the teams we have doing the work, making the plans, and setting our goals. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn new tricks, but I am exceptionally thankful that I’m not doing it alone—I’m thankful for all of y’all

Dan Crawford (Director of Governmental Relations): I am thankful NCLCV got to play a major role in electing three pro-conservation members to the North Carolina General Assembly. Moreover, all three of them won while talking about environmental issues and holding their opponents accountable for their bad environmental records.

Nina Szlosberg-Landis (Immediate Past President, NCLCV): I am grateful that we are all in this together, connected by our values and determination. We are on the right side of history and I am thankful to be in the trenches with you all.

Debra Rezeli (Director of Engagement): I am thankful for our new staff!

Mary Beth Powell (Vice-President, NCLCVF): I am grateful to be part of such a dedicated group of people who are committed toward protecting our priceless natural resources in North Carolina. Our children and grandchildren will be in a better place because of the tireless efforts of our staff, board members and volunteers.

Dan Besse (Editor, Conservation Insider Bulletin): The elevated attention to environmental concerns in our state and local elections.

Alice Zawadzki (Board Member): I am thankful that we walk with the legacy of our forbearers in protecting North Carolina, “the goodliest land under the cape of Heaven.”

Robin Smith (Enforcement Director): I am thankful that NCLCV had the capacity (funds and staff) to be significantly engaged in the NC politics especially in a year where the environment was a key issue in the campaign. I’m also thankful to be working collectively with the environmental community, a real shift from years past. Finally I’m thankful that the shale gas rules have been finalized by the MEC, not to say that I’m happy with the rules but it’s sure been a long process! Now on to the Rules Review Commission….

Justine Oller (Outreach Director):Last spring when I joined the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters, I was excited about the opportunity ahead, but I could not have known what a positive and fulfilling experience I would have with the organization. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to work for a dynamic organization with a fantastic team and big goals. I am grateful to be looking forward to the work ahead.

Mac Montgomery (Board Member): I’m thankful for a renewed awareness of how important the environment is in NC. I’m thankful that a wide spectrum of organizations are coming together to make voting in NC a priority. And I’m thankful that NCLCV is playing a major role in these efforts.

Katie Paulson (Online Engagement Coordinator): I am thankful for having the chance to join NCLCV as a staff member this year! Working with our passionate members inspires me and serves as a constant reminder of why our collective work is so critical to the present and future of our great state.

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