NCLCV Recognizes Debt Ceiling Deal and Condemns Mountain Valley Pipeline Inclusion

MAGA Republicans Force Pollution on North Carolina Communities

May 31, 2023

Following the announcement of an agreement on legislation to avoid a catastrophic debt default, the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) today recognized the need for a deal to prevent global economic collapse, while condemning the tactics of the MAGA Republicans and their inclusion of mandated approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline project. 

“We are seeing firsthand from the MAGA Republicans in the House why one should never negotiate with terrorists – potential catastrophic effects to the economy on the line, and they want to give handouts to polluters,” said Dan Crawford, director of governmental relations for NCLCV. “We recognize that President Biden has done the best job possible to lessen the negative impact and preserve the climate, clean energy, and environmental justice investments and protections we enacted over the past two years. We applaud Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia for his amendment to exclude MVP from the debt default deal and call on members of the North Carolina delegation to support this amendment.” 

One negative aspect of the deal that directly impacts North Carolina is the MVP approval. An economic study shows this project is bad for property values and property rights. It locks in decades of climate pollution and increases public health risks from emissions. It infringes on drinking water rights, especially in indigenous, low-income, elderly, and Black communities, and has been denied permits twice by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). It will not support long-term, family sustaining jobs.

The national office of the League of Conservation Voters has worked tirelessly throughout this process to oppose the efforts of MAGA Republicans and support a strong negotiating position by the White House. Those efforts include:

  • Issued Scorecard letters opposing the Republicans original debt ceiling bill
  • Launched seven-figure, TV and digital legislative ad campaign holding House Republicans accountable
  • Helped secure over 83 signers on the letter led by House Natural Resources Chair Grijalva
  • Joined the WE ACT and other environmental justice organizations on a letter to Democratic Leadership calling on them to pass a clean debt limit
  • Elevated House Democrats speaking out on the IRA impacts on social media
  • Ran phone banks, and organized a press conference with LCV, Climate Power, and others with members of the House and Senate about the catastrophic impacts of the Republicans’ Default on America bill

While the future of the proposed MVP in North Carolina is uncertain, NCLCV stands with our national and fellow state organizations in opposing the inclusion of the MVP in the debt default deal.


The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV) is a pragmatic, results-oriented, nonpartisan advocacy organization whose mission is to protect the health and quality of life for all North Carolinians, with an intentional focus on systematically excluded communities of color. We elect environmental champions, advocate for environmental policies that protect our communities, and hold elected leaders accountable for their decisions. We have worked for over 50 years to create the political environment that will protect our natural environment.

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