Protect our Democracy

Help Protect our Democracy by Calling Out Jefferson Griffin’s Election Steal – Contact Your Legislators

After losing the election by 743 votes, and after multiple recounts, Jefferson Griffin began his attempt to throw out 60,000+ legally cast votes. His efforts continue to this day despite overwhelming evidence that each ballot followed every registration and voting rule. 

Tell your legislators to protect our votes and our democracy!

Read More on Griffin’s Attempts

The State Board of Elections (SBOE) has repeatedly confirmed all votes were legitimate and followed all the rules for the 2024 elections. Last December, SBOE ruled that Griffin presented no evidence to show any voter challenged was ineligible to vote or had failed to follow state law in registering/voting.

Then, on February 7th, Wake County Superior Court Judge Pittman ruled that the NC State Board of Elections made no error in rejecting Griffin’s claims. Even the lead Republican legislator in the NC Senate recently said Griffin has gone “too far.”

Additionally, an analysis by the Student Voting Rights Lab at NC Central and Duke Universities shows Griffin’s challenge of the 60,000+ votes is 3.4 times more likely to disenfranchise young voters and 5.28 times more likely to disenfranchise young black voters.

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