
Recap: 6 Environmental Wins in 2014 Primary Election

On May 6, more than 15% of North Carolina’s registered voters turned out and cast their ballots in dozens of local, state, and federal races. Thank YOU for those who voted – whether in person or by mail – for candidates who support our collective mission and values. We want to see North Carolina turn GREEN!

Below, find the outcomes from the seven candidates our Conservation PAC endorsed in the primary election. The good news: the vast majority of our environmental champions will be moving on to November.

North Carolina State Senate Races

District 5: Don Davis (D-Greene)

Outcome: win

Senator Davis faced TWO Democratic challengers but swept the election handily by receiving more than 70% of the votes. Senator Davis has earned a lifetime score of 81 from NCLCV for his votes on pro-conservation legislation. The key issue in the 2013 session causing Senator Davis to earn a lower score involved legislation on changing how often state agencies had to review regulatory rules and removing control from local governments on enforcing more stringent regulations on the environment than what the state dictates. We look forward to working with Senator Davis on both of these critical issues.

District 28: Gladys Robinson (D-Guilford)

Outcome: win

Senator Robinson defeated Democrat Skip Alston with 59% of the vote in Tuesday’s primary. Although she improved her earned score in our legislative scorecard last year, she still has room for growth with a lifetime score of 57. Similar to Senator Davis, we look forward to working with Senator Robinson on the consequences of creating a “permanent” regulatory rule requiring agencies to go through the full rule-making process annually for EVERY rule set to expire. That type of policy could have enormous ramifications for regulations in place protecting our water, air, and land.

North Carolina State House Races

District 5: Annie Mobley (D-Hertford)

Outcome: loss

In a battle projected to be close, Incumbent Representative Mobley lost her seat to Democrat challenger Howard Hunter III. During her time in Raleigh, Rep. Mobley has been an advocate for the environment with a lifetime score of 85. In fact, she earned a 100 during the 2013 legislative session. We hope that another environmental champion will arise from District 5 in the NC House!

District 24: Jean Farmer-Butterfield (D-Wilson)

Outcome: win

Capturing more than 77% of the vote, Representative Farmer-Butterfield soundly defeated challenger Mark Bibbs. Rep. Farmer-Butterfield received the Representative of the Year award from us in 2008. Throughout her career at the General Assembly, she has continued to be a strong leader for our environment, earning a legislative score of 100 during the 2013 legislative session. We look forward to her continued support of our environmental priorities, especially with so much at stake in 2014.

District 27: Michael Wray (D-Northampton)

Outcome: win

Rep. Wray, another Representative who earned a 100 in the 2013 legislation session, defeated challenger Franklin Williams, Jr. on May 6 with 58% of the total vote in District 27. His pro-conservation voting record at the General Assembly in 2013 boosted his lifetime score to an 81. Again, we feel so fortunate to have Rep. Wray as one of our leaders standing up for our way of life.

District 57: Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford)

Outcome: win

Two-time Green Tie Awards winner (Representative of the Year in 2007 and Defender of the Environment in 2012), Representative Harrison faced a strong opponent in Jim Kee. As we mentioned in our post on the top 4 primary races to watch, Kee challenged Harrison’s record in serving NC’s interests and had a much stronger tie to the business community. However, the voters spoke,and with more than 68% of the vote, Rep. Harrison secured the nomination. We know Rep. Harrison will continue to champion environmental causes, especially around the issue of coal ash disposal.

District 117: Chuck McGrady (R-Henderson)

Outcome: win

Facing Republican challenger Ronnie Edwards, Rep. McGrady secured his place on the ballot with over 61% of the votes in the May 6 primary election. Rep. McGrady is also a Green Tie Award winner; he received the distinction as a Rising Star in 2012. As the 2014 legislation session begins on May 14, Rep. McGrady is already diligently working on coal ash clean-up legislation, which is a critical issue facing our state. We are grateful for his willingness to make environmentally-sound decisions and help influence others in the NC House to do the same!

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