Meet 2016 Stanback Intern: Laura Marie Davis

1) Where is home for you?

Meet 2016 Stanback Intern: Laura Marie Davis
Meet 2016 Stanback Intern: Laura Marie Davis

I’m originally from Ohio. I grew up in a suburb of Cincinnati and earned my undergraduate degree in Biology from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. After that I spent a year serving as an AmeriCorps member in a rural eastern Ohio.

2) Where are you on your higher education path?

I’m pursuing a Master of Environmental Management degree from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. My studies include courses to earn a certificate in Community-Based Environmental Management.

3) Why did you choose to work in the environmental field?

My passion for the environment started with a love for animals. I’ve always enjoyed interacting with the natural world, but I’m also fascinated by the ways in which people relate to their environment and to each other. I chose to work in the environmental field because it allows me to work at the intersections of natural sciences and human nature.

4) What are some of your fondest memories of being out in North Carolina’s natural wonders?

Shortly after moving to North Carolina, I had the pleasure of encountering some marbled salamanders, the official state salamander! Most of my warm feelings for North Carolina’s natural wonders are associated with the Western part of the state. Appalachia is one of my favorite parts of the country, and I love visiting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. One of my future goals is to someday travel the entire Blue Ridge Parkway.

5) What are your internship responsibilities this summer with the NC League of Conservation Voters (NCLCV)?

Laura Marie - AmeriCorps
Laura Marie got some of her first taste of nonprofit life thanks to AmeriCorps

One of my main roles this summer is to assist with day-to-day communications and advocacy work, which involves a lot of reading, writing, editing, and Tweeting! I’m also providing recommendations on how to improve communication strategies. Specifically, I’m focusing on how NCLCV can incorporate issues of social equity to create more inclusive messages. This work applies to state-level policy advocacy as well as to community organizing efforts through the PowerUp NC project.

6) How do you see this opportunity as a Stanback intern affecting your future education and work?

I’m very proud of the projects that I’ve worked on this summer. My Stanback position has given me the opportunity to do exactly the kind of work that I intend to pursue in my future career. This experience has made me feel much more prepared to jump into the workforce when I graduate. I’ve also been able to learn more about areas that I haven’t previously studied: by visiting the General Assembly I’ve gained first-hand knowledge about what it really means to lobby for environmental policies. This has broadened my perspective on environmental work and made me more aware of different aspects of the field.

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