Trump Orders Seismic Blasting Off Our Coast

Last week, the Trump Administration overruled North Carolina’s objection to seismic blasting off our coast. That environmentally destructive decision must not go unchallenged.

This is the latest round of Trump’s push to turn over America’s coastlines to his oil and gas industry backers — regardless of costs to the people of our state. The Obama Administration turned down the Atlantic Coast seismic blasting permit requests in January 2017, but the Trump Administration quickly overturned those denials. Gov. Roy Cooper’s Administration opposes the permits, objecting to them under the state’s authority pursuant to federal and state coastal zone management laws.

“The decision to overrule the state shows the unwillingness of the federal government to listen to the wishes of the people,” said Larry Baldwin, Crystal Coast waterkeeper. “That arrogance goes even further when a decision by the state of North Carolina, which has been very outspoken against seismic and drilling, is completely ignored.”

“This news again shows the total disregard for the citizens of North Carolina by this administration,” said Oceana Senior Campaign Organizer Randy Sturgill of Wilmington. “President Trump’s radical offshore drilling plan is a threat to all coastal communities. Seismic blasting and offshore drilling threaten our fishing, tourism, and recreation industries and everyone who visits or calls our coast home.”

Fortunately, Trump’s anti-environment, anti-science decision can still be challenged in the federal courts. At last report, the State of North Carolina is “reviewing the next steps.” Moving to a federal court challenge of this threat to North Carolina’s coast is the next step we must take.

Sen. Thom Tillis can step up for our state and push Trump to save our coastal environment and economy. Tell Tillis to stop oil drilling off our coast!

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