Our statement: NC Senate’s failure to hold Duke Energy accountable

Contact: Doug Jackson


NC Senate proposes yet another sweetheart coal ash deal for Charlotte-based energy monopoly

(Raleigh) Today, the North Carolina Senate revealed another sweetheart coal ash deal for Duke Energy in the gutted and amended House Bill 630. This bill would get rid of the coal ash commission, give Duke over two years to begin providing safe drinking water, and give the NC Department of Environmental Quality broad leeway to let Duke off the hook for contaminating water all over North Carolina. The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters Director of Governmental Affairs Dan Crawford issued the following statement in response:

“The North Carolina Senate has once again failed to protect the people they claim to represent. Instead, the anti-clean water N.C. Senate has brokered yet another sweetheart deal for Duke Energy. Right now, families in North Carolina can’t drink their own well water. But decision-makers in Raleigh would allow a monopoly with over $23 billion in revenue to go two whole years without providing those families clean water. When we say these politicians put polluters over people, the N.C. Senate’s coal ash bill is exactly what we’re talking about.”

NC League of Conservation Voters is a statewide lobbying organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and enhancing North Carolina’s natural environment.  NCLCV has been working to protect North Carolina’s environment and our citizen’s health for nearly 50 years, turning environmental values into North Carolina priorities.  NCLCV’s vision for the future of North Carolina is that all citizens and our elected decision-makers will better understand and appreciate North Carolina’s unique natural environment, and the integral role it plays in North Carolina’s economy and quality of life. Visit nclcv.org for more information.

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