Senate Bill 559 – Duke Energy rate hike bill
A controversial section of this bill would have allowed the state Utilities Commission to grant Duke Energy a multi-year rate hike, boosting their profits by at least $100 million while burdening consumers with the cost of cleaning up their coal ash mess. We successfully advocated against this bill by helping our leaders in the House maintain their strong conviction against it. Legislators heard from almost 4,400 of our members who opposed this bill.
Senate Bill 568 – The Recycling and Restoration of Renewables bill
This bill appeared harmless at first glance, but it would have harmed our state’s booming solar industry by mandating hefty up-front insurance costs on otherwise decreasing costs of solar installation. With the help of our advocacy, it eventually disappeared. Solar panel disposal requirements were then addressed in House Bill 329, which passed unanimously in the Senate, concurred to by the House, and signed into law by Gov. Cooper.